Taking a short break. Be back soon!

Mayco Test Tiles - Sandstone, Muddy Waters, and Green Tea (Part 8/9)

By: Megan Baig
June 6, 2021

Welcome back! This is my penultimate post as far as my glaze tests are concerned.. at least for now. I hope to make more in the future and I'm already looking forward to sharing the results with you.

First up for this post is Sandstone. On its own, its a matte glaze with a few speckles here and there. Its nothing overly exciting. When its paired up with other glazes, though, it gets a bit better.

With the stoneware glazes, although I only tested a few, the final result stayed matte. It only showed a bit of gloss when I paired it with Coral. Over all I feel as though this glaze works better as a base coat than on its own, but if you're going for a muted effect, this is one way to achieve that.

Next is Muddy Waters. I bought this glaze awhile ago, but the few times I used it it had really undesirable results. I really disliked it, actually. Even re-glazing with another glaze didn't do much to help it. Its runny, its matte, and its way too drab. I only paired this one up with two other glazes because I honestly don't feel as though there's much hope for it. With Norse Blue, it more or less stayed the same. With Frosted Lemon, as well as some help with the dark flux, it kind of resembles something that I might almost like.. almost. I don't know if I'll test this one further.. online I see several combinations with this glaze that are actually quite nice, but I don't seem to be able to achieve those same results. Might have to shelf this one for awhile..

The last tile in this post is Green Tea under Frosted Lemon. I was almost out of test tiles at this point, but I really wanted to try at least one test with Green Tea. Its ok on its own, but not very exciting to look at. Its matte with a few specks here and there. Pairing it up with Frosted Lemon did make it a bit glossier, and adding the fluxes gave it some nice hints of colors that were unexpected.

So that's about it for this post. I have three more test tiles to show you, which I'll cover in my next and final post. Thank you so much for reading, and stay well!

Up next: Two triple combos and a Stroke and Coat test!